
Keyboarding Websites

Page history last edited by Mrs. Jenkins 6 years, 5 months ago

Below are some sites that will help you as you learn to type.


Keyboarding 101 Skills

Posture, home row keys, numbers, shift, enter, spacebar, delete, backspace, punctuation.



All Grades             Dance Mat Typing     Start with Level and Stage that you left off.

Grades 3rd -5th    KidzType 

Grades 3rd-5th     Sense-lang.org    If the screen does not come up to the lessons then click Lessons button to begin.

Grades 3rd-5th    Keyboarding—lessons

Grades 3rd-5th    Peter's Online Typing Course — lessons



Keyboarding Symbaloo

The first row contains lessons. Rows 2 & 3 are for beginners. Rows 4 & 5 are for intermediate games.  The bottom row has quizzes, tests and harder games.



Balloon Game  

Bubbles Typing Game 

Keyboard Triathlon Game        

Keyboard Revolution Game    

Meteor Game

Paratrooper Sheep

Super Hyper Spider Typer Game                

Typing Alphabet Game   





ABCYa–Keyboard challenge

Alphabet rain game

Chameleon Game              

Keyboard practice—quick start

Keyboarding practice

Spacebar Invaders Game          

Free Typing Games Website - lots of games to choose





Kayaking Game    

Meteor Typing Blast Game

Save the Sailboat Race Game                      

Typing Defense—fun word practice

Typing Olympic Race Game

Free Typing Games Website - lots of games to choose                           




Typing Test

Typing Test. Com
Typing Test 2   Wait 15 seconds for the advertisement then roll the mouse over the ad and the screen changes to the test. Click Start.

Typing Test 3   Don't click on the ads please. Click Start Test.    

Fingerjig Typing Test



Keyboarding Goals at Year End

Kindergarten     1 WPM

1st Grade          5 WPM         

2nd Grade        10 WPM

3rd Grade         15 WPM with 80% accuracy    

4th Grade         20 WPM with 90% accuracy    

5th Grade         25 WPM with 90% accuracy 




Typing Web Your log in is your firstname.lastname (all lowercase, no spaces). The password is on my board.


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