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Super 3
Plan Do Review
Big 6
1. Task Definition. What does your teacher want you to do? What information do you need? Write questions to help answer the task.
2. Information Seeking Strategies. List possible sources of information to help answer the task assigned.
3. Location & Access. Find sources.
4. Use of Information. Read and take notes.
5. Synthesis. Writing process! Prewriting, Drafting, Conferencing, Revising, Editing, Publishing steps.
6. Evaluation. Answer questions prior to turning in project to confirm assignment accuracy.
Here's a website to assist you with this process. Big6 Writing Process Organizer
Keywords are an important part of research. Keywords are the words you use to search for information about a topic. Without them we would NEVER get the results we are looking for.
Choosing Keywords Steps
1. Choose a keyword from the question given or the question you create.
2. Keywords will likely be the subject of the question.
3. Choose 3-4 words.
4. Put the words in order of importance. Example "toxic food dog" instead of "toxic dog food".
Kindergarten-1st Grade
1.) Pet Keyword Research. Research an animal you would like as a pet. See if you can find out the answer to your question. We are going to use Kid Rex as our search engine.
2.) Try the research again but change it up. Create another question, change your pet or try another search engine. CyberSleuth Kids, Fact Monster or go to my Research Website page and pick your own.
3rd-5th Grade
1.) Keyword Research Experiment. The experiment will answer the questions how important are keywords and does the order of keywords make a difference?
2.) Doggy Data Search. Plan before you BEGIN research. Students may only search once for the answers.
Parents: my lesson will be very similar to the ones you see here, here and here. This resource is for you to talk with your students at home what they learned in class.
Advance Search Techniques
And - Using AND means that articles will contain both keywords.
Or - Using OR means that articles will contain either keywords.
Not - Using NOT means that articles will contain one keywords but not the other.
Quotes - Using ".." means that articles will contain the exact phrase.
Plus or Minus sign - Use (+) or (-) to include or exclude words.
~ - Using ~ means that articles will contain similar words or synonyms.
Example - +cowboys + "wild west" -football -dallas
Rutgers RIOT webpage walks you through how to complete a research project from start to finish. Click here to begin.
Website Evaluation
3rd-4th Grade
The ABC's of Website Evaluation
A - Author.
- Is the author listed?
- Is the author credible?
- What is the author's intent?
B - Believable
- Does the information seem correct?
- Does it agree with other sites?
- Does the information fit my research purpose?
C - Currency
- What is the date of the website?
- How recent is the information?
- Can you find a better example?
1.) Download the ABC powerpoint and follow along with my lesson. You will practice evaluating websites and completing a checklist.
5th Grade
The 5 W's of Website Evaluation
1. Who - is the author an expert?
2. What - what is the purpose of the site?
3. When - when was the site created or updated?
4. Where - where does the information come from?
5. Why - why should I use this information?
The 5 W's of Website Evaluation
Evaluating Websites Online Checklist
Cite a Site
Remember that you can NEVER use other people's work and call it your own. We don't plagiarize and always cite our work.
There are websites to assist you with proper MLA format.
Easy Bib Online Citation Machine
3rd-5th Grade
1.) Review the following websites with your group. Can you cite them correctly? Website 1 Website 2
Websites - There are several websites to assist you in learning this process.
Applying Big6 Skills
Big6 Writing Process Organizer
Internet Search Techniques
Kentucky Virtual Library Game
The Big6 Skills
Research Websites
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